There are no bad owners, only bad dogs



Sunday: Slightly better than Saturday and Friday.

The shock of the bait and switch housing debacle is wearing off and I'm starting to get acclimated to the time. I finally met one of my cell block-mates, also American. She is just as unhappy as I am, so I know I am not nuts. Pay phone. Sweet mother of mystery. And she's in the good room, the one with its own bathroom.

Today I went running, got lost, and accidentally ran about 8 miles. I'm sure I'll be hurting tomorrow, since I haven't run that far in a year. Since Greg and I got on our lazy, fat kick, anyway. The plus side, however, is that I went to the cemetary where J.R.R. Tolkien is buried and visited his grave. I had forgotten that he had died so (relatively) recently, in 1973. I think of him as being old in the 1910s, which means that I'm wrong, as usual. People leave all kinds of little trinkets and messages on his grave, stuffed animals, rosaries, crap they made in homage to hobbits.

Last night I went to my first Oxford pub, the Lamb and Flag. One thing about British pubs that rocks as far as I'm concerned is that they are quite well lit so you can read if you're a loser drinking alone.

I thought about going to a movie last night, but all that was playing were movies that had been out in the states for a month or more. I had already seen Anchorman. Unfortunately, Harold and Kumar wasn't showing. I did find the indie theater which was showing Supersize Me, but I was too tired to walk there and I opted to drink alone instead. I think I made the right choice.

I'm looking forward to having a whole raft of new dysfunctional co-workers to marvel about. Unfortunately, I have to go to Ireland (well, not exactly unfortunate, is it?) on Tuesday (although I still don't know WHY I'm going...) so I won't be meeting the weirdo parade until Thursday. Fortunately, I'm used to going on bidness trips as some sort of bodyguard who doesn't have to speak or participate, so this one doesn't worry me too much. If I had a dollar for every meeting I sat and doodled through, wondering, ''Why am I here'' in the least existential sense possible, I'd have a lot of dollars.

My goal during my time here is to get these people I'm working with to start saying ''y'all'' and ''all y'all'' and understanding the difference between the two.

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